1. scMultiSim::GRN_params_100
    100_gene_GRN is a matrix of GRN params consisting of 100 genes where: # - column 1 is the target gene ID, # - column 2 is the gene ID which acts as a transcription factor for the target (regulated) gene # - column 3 is the effect of the column 2 gene ID on the column 1 gene ID
  2. scMultiSim::GRN_params_1139
    GRN_params_1139 is a matrix of GRN params consisting of 1139 genes where: # - column 1 is the target gene ID, # - column 2 is the gene ID which acts as a transcription factor for the target (regulated) gene # - column 3 is the effect of the column 2 gene ID on the column 1 gene ID
  3. scMultiSim::dens_nonzero
    this is the density function of log(x+1), where x is the non-zero values for ATAC-SEQ data
  4. scMultiSim::gene_len_pool
    a pool of gene lengths to sample from
  5. scMultiSim::len2nfrag
    from transcript length to number of fragments (for the nonUMI protocol)
    matrix|8118 x
  6. scMultiSim::match_params
    distribution of kinetic parameters learned from the Zeisel UMI cortex datasets
    matrix|78120 x 3